Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Am From

I am from fried chicken and potato salad, peanut butter sandwiches and Lays Potato chips. Going swimming at the state park in the summer after Bible School in the mornings, getting sunburned at the beach at Aunt Soothie’s house in Myrtle Beach.

I am from Sunday School every Sunday and training union every Sunday night.

Yes mam and no sir all the time.

It’s your turn to do the dishes, I did them last night

I am from where did you put my brush and who hid the dryer?

I am from go help your sister with the laundry and then you can go down to the beach.

After Daddy died I was from you have to help your mom- be brave!

Where will you go to college? What will you be? Who will you marry? And there isn’t enough money! Let your sister go first, no your brother- he’s so small.

How did you get that done so fast, now will you help me?

Your sister is in trouble again, can you go get her?

Where will we live? Will I get a job? What? I can’t be pregnant! Now I can’t teach. But, Oh, what a pretty little girl. She is so beautiful. She has hands like granny and long, long eyelashes. Look, she is sitting up by herself, she is crawling and getting into everything! I can’t believe she is a year old! Where has the time gone? Maybe we should have another baby, what do you think? Yes, another little girl! I am from a lot of love and family!

1 comment:

  1. You are a great writer! Thanks for sharing this withe everyone!
